HC Deb 22 October 1941 vol 374 cc1791-2
Mr. Lees-Smith

(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has any statement to make with regard to the relations between His Majesty's Government and the Government of Mexico?

Mr. Eden

Yes, Sir. His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom have followed with interest a series of declarations and actions by which President Camacho and the Mexican Government have shown their clear-sighted appreciation of the issues raised by the aggressive actions of the Axis Powers, as well as the Mexican Government's devotion to the principles of democratic Government. His Majesty's Government have regretted the interruption of diplomatic relations with Mexico. An exchange of views has assured them that President Camacho reciprocates this feeling, and it is the intention of the two Governments to appoint Ministers as soon as possible in Mexico City and London.

Mr. Thorne

I think we ought to congratulate the Foreign Office on coming to this agreement, because for the last two or three years I have been trying to get a settlement of the Shell Oil Company dispute. I take it for granted that this is all settled now?

Mr. Eden

What has happened is that we have made it plain to the Mexican Government that we fully maintain our attitude in respect of the oil dispute.

Mr. Mander

Will the right hon. Gentleman take up at the earliest convenient moment, through the new diplomatic representatives, the question of the release of a large number of German internees in Mexico? Can he say anything about this matter, which is very serious?

Mr. Eden

Perhaps the hon. Gentleman would let us establish our relations first.