HC Deb 15 October 1941 vol 374 c1342
9. Captain Plugge

asked the Secretary of State for Air the reasons governing the regulation that Royal Air Force officers must not smoke pipes in public?

The Joint Under-Secretary of State for Air (Captain Harold Balfour)

The practice referred to, while generally discouraged, is not the subject of any regulation in the Royal Air Force.

Major Markham

Why should it be discouraged? Is it not a direct reflection on the officers of one Service against those of another?

Captain Balfour

There is no question of disciplinary action or of regulation. It is a matter of taste and opinion.

Major Markham

Surely it is going to the limit of absurdity that in these little matters there should be this dictatorial and didactic attitude on the part of senior officers?

Captain Balfour

There is no dictatorial attitude. I have made it clear that there is no question of discipline or regulation. It is a matter left purely to the taste of the officers.

Mr. Lawson

Would the Air Ministry be just as pleased to see a man smoke a pipe in public as a cigarette?