HC Deb 25 November 1941 vol 376 cc575-6
5. Mr. Gordon Macdonald

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the holding of mock invasions sometimes interferes drastically with war production; and will he take such steps as will reduce such interference to a minimum?

Captain Margesson

The holding of invasion exercises is an essential part of the training of troops detailed to deal with an invasion, and I am afraid that some interference with civilian life is unavoidable. Every effort is made, however, to reduce such interference to a minimum, and I am assured by my Noble Friend the Minister of Supply and by my right hon. and gallant Friend the Minister of Aircraft Production that there is no evidence that recent exercises have had any serious effect on production.

Mr. Macdonald

Is the Minister aware that a mock invasion exercise held in the North-West area a month ago resulted in a factory employing 3,000 men losing a full day's production, and does he not think that that is interference with production which ought to be avoided?

Captain Margesson

I was not aware of those facts. As I stated, I consulted the Ministers of Supply and Aircraft Production, and they told me there was no evidence that recent exercises had had any serious effect on production. Perhaps my hon. Friend will give me some particulars.