HC Deb 01 May 1941 vol 371 cc557-8
39. Rear-Admiral Beamish

asked the President of the Board of Education the average number of children attending the 86 nursery centres; the age range of the children; and the ratio of trained and voluntary staff at each centre?

The President of the Board of Education (Mr. Ramsbotham)

It is not possible to give the number of children actually in attendance at these nursery centres, but they provide accommodation for about 2,700 children. The age range of the children is from two to five years. Local authorities are not asked to supply particulars of the voluntary helpers appointed, but there are at present about 50 teachers working in the centres, the majority of whom are trained. One teacher may, of course, have charge of several centres.

Rear-Admiral Beamish

Has my hon. Friend any idea of increasing the numbers of the nursery centres?

Mr. Ramsbotham

Yes, Sir, and they are increasing very rapidly.

41. Mr. David Adams

asked the President of the Board of Education whether substantial progress is now being made in the provision of additional nursery centres and nursery schools?

Mr. Ramsbotham

The number of nursery centres approved has risen from 15 in December last to 94 to-day. It is not contemplated that additional nursery schools should be provided during the war.