HC Deb 26 June 1941 vol 372 c1085
15. Mr. Vernon Bartlett

asked the Home Secretary whether, in view of the striking increase in the number of thefts of food stuffs, steps are contemplated greatly to increase the penalties imposed for such thefts?

Mr. H. Morrison

I would remind my lion. Friend that the maximum sentences provided by law for the kind of offences referred to are already very high. For instance, larceny from ships or docks or after breaking or entering a shop, warehouse or other premises is punishable by 14 years penal servitude. There is therefore no reason for any amendment of the law.

Mr. Bartlett

Is it not a fact, none the less, that many of the penalties which have been imposed have been ridiculously inadequate and that these are acts of treachery and should be treated as such? Could not the right hon. Gentleman order the judiciary to take a little stronger action?

Mr. Morrison

A communication was sent to the judiciary some time ago with regard to looting, but it still remains that the administration of justice is a local function. I cannot guarantee equality of administration of the law.

Mr. Thorne

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the hon. Member for Plaistow, when cases come before him, binds them over for six months, which has the desired effect?

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