HC Deb 19 June 1941 vol 372 cc821-2
63. Dr. Little

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, for the encouragement of the farmers in Northern Ireland, he will state whether the sites have yet been selected for, and the work of erection begun upon, the potato-processing factories in Ulster which are to produce potato meal for the feeding of animals and flour for human consumption; and whether these factories will be ready in good time to deal with the present year's potato crop?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Major Lloyd George)

Sites for the erection of potato-processing factories in Northern Ireland have been provisionally selected, and orders will shortly be placed for the necessary plant with a view to the commencement of processing in the autumn.

Dr. Little

As the matter is pressing, will my hon. and gallant Friend promise that he will push forward these factories as quickly as possible?

Major Lloyd George

Yes, I am glad to say that every effort will be made to get them ready as soon as possible.