HC Deb 23 October 1940 vol 365 cc1030-1
15. Mr. Wedgwood

asked the Secretary of State for Air the salary and emoluments now received by Prince Von Stahremberg, serving in the French Air Force; and whether they are being paid at present by His Majesty's Government?

Captain Balfour

Prince Von Stahremberg holds the rank of lieutenant in the Free French Air Force. He receives pay and allowances appropriate to his rank, which amount to £1 4s. 11d. a day. All expenditure on the Free French Air Force is met in the first instance from funds advanced by His Majesty's Government. Final settlement will be a matter for subsequent arrangement.

Mr. Wedgwood

Is it not rather indecent that this man, who assassinated a democracy in Austria, should now be allowed to fight on our side and be paid by us in a war which is for democracy and against all that Stahremberg stood for?

Captain Balfour

I reject wholeheartedly the suggestion that to anyone who is willing now to risk his life in the air and fight in our cause we do not owe a debt of gratitude.

Mr. Wedgwood

Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman in the least aware of this man's past?

Captain Balfour

I am aware of what this man is doing for us at present.

Mr. Woodburn

Is there any suggestion in the employment of Prince Von Stahremberg that we are going to impose him on Austria after the war?

Mr. Silverman

Is it suggested that this gentleman is more worthy to fight for democracy than many internees in this country?

Captain Balfour

That is quite a different Question from that on the Paper. I think that this man, if he is willing to fight and to risk his life in our cause, deserves our gratitude.

Mr. Shinwell

Suppose his name was Stahremberg, instead of Prince Von Stahremberg, would that make any difference?

Captain Balfour

None at all.

Mr. Wedgwood

Why will you not allow other aliens from Austria who hate Nazism to fight? You keep them in prison and allow a scoundrel like that to fight for democracy. I want an answer.

Mr. Speaker
