HC Deb 11 June 1940 vol 361 c1148
Mr. Mander

Will you be good enough, Mr. Speaker, to state, for the convenience of hon. Members, what arrangements have been made for Members of this House to attend any Secret Session that may be held in another place?

Mr. Speaker

I understand that on the occasion of Secret Sessions being held in another place, arrangements have been made to accommodate Members of this House in the galleries reserved for them and in the public gallery, and also at the Bar, as usual.

Mr. Mander

If there is no room, are you able to say whether the Peeresses' gallery will be available?

Mr. Speaker

Only the galleries which I have mentioned will be available.

Mr. Thorne

In that case would it not be advisable for Members who want to go to the other place to ballot?

Mr. Speaker

No, I do not think so.