HC Deb 25 July 1940 vol 363 cc970-1
66 and 67. Mr. Creech Jones

asked the Home Secretary (1) whether he is aware of the activities of the police in Stoke and other parts of North Staffordshire in visiting the houses of active persons in the adult educational movement and workers' movements; that many of these loyal people are already active in national service, but are placed under public suspicion by such visits and inquiries; and whether he will instruct the police authorities to exercise more discretion in respect to irresponsible statements which lead to such inquiries;

(2) whether his attention has been drawn to the search by the police of the house of Mr. McEllis, of Audley, Stoke-on-Trent; why the homes of all residing in the house were entered and property taken; what evidence justified this action against loyal and respectable citizens; why Mr. McEllis was searched personally by the police and the private correspondence of him and his wife studied; and why pamphlets of the Workers' Educational Association and branch papers and correspondence were treated as subversive documents, removed and not returned?

Sir J. Anderson

My attention had not previously been called to these cases. I am having inquiries made into the case of Mr. McEllis, and if my hon. Friend will be good enough to let me have particulars about the other cases he has in mind, I will cause further inquiries to be made.

Mr. G. Strauss

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether there is any central authority which has been authorising or initiating this type of search, which has happened in many parts of the country?

Sir J. Anderson

I am not aware of any such thing.

Mr. Wedgwood

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that Mr. McEllin—that is his real name—is one of my best supporters [Interruption], and an old friend of whom I entirely approve?