HC Deb 23 July 1940 vol 363 cc614-5
Mr. Mander

(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether he can now make a statement with regard to the granting of official recognition to a Czechoslovak Government on the same lines as that granted to the Polish Government, bearing particularly in mind the recognition already granted to the National Czechoslovak Committee and the Czechoslovak army, the existence of a Czechoslovak legation in London, and the importance of placing all Allies in the same political position?

The Prime Minister

Communications have recently passed between my Noble Friend on the one side and Dr. Benes on behalf of the Czechoslovak National Committee on the other, concerning the recognition of the Czechoslovak National Committee as a Provisional Czechoslovak Government. As the result of these communications, Dr. Benes informed my Noble Friend of the composition of the Provisional Czechoslovak Government, in which several new members joined the previous members of the Czechoslovak National Committee, and requested the recognition by His Majesty's Government of the newly constituted Provisional Czechoslovak Government. This recognition was granted on 21st July in a letter from my Noble Friend to Dr. Benes in the following terms: In the light of exchanges of view which have taken place between us, I have the honour to inform you that, in response to the request of the Czechoslovak National Committee, His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom are happy to recognise and enter into relations with the Provisional Czechoslovak Government established by the Czechoslovak National Committee to function in this country. His Majesty's Government will be glad to discuss with the representatives of the provisional Government certain questions arising ou[...] of this recognition which require settlement.

Mr. Mander

In connection with that most satisfactory statement, may I ask the Prime Minister when it is proposed to make any statement regarding the personnel of the new Government, and whether that Government will be in exactly the same position as the Polish Government in regard to recognition?

The Prime Minister

I am not sure that it falls to me to make a statement as to the personnel of the Government of an independent sovereign State formed in our own country, but as far as the position of the Czechoslovak Government in relation to the Polish and other Governments established in this country is concerned, there may be certain differences of form, but, in principle, there is no difference.

Mr. Gallacher

Can the Prime Minister tell the House whether this Provisional Government of Czechoslovakia represents pre-Munich Czechoslovakia or post-Munich Czechoslovakia, and why two Czechoslovak deputies have been arrested and detained, just when the question of recognising the Government has been under consideration?

The Prime Minister

I would have been glad to have had some information from the hon. Member in connection with the Baltic States.