HC Deb 24 January 1940 vol 356 cc577-8
48. Mr. Graham White

asked the Minister of Supply whether he will cause to be published a simple statement of the articles and materials which he wishes the householder to save, in connection with the anti-waste campaign?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Supply (Colonel Llewellin)

A statement of the articles and materials which householders are asked to save—especially paper, scrap metal, bones and textiles—was given at a Press conference or 30th November, and has been repeated in various Press articles and interviews. A full list, of which I am sending the hen. Member a copy, was issued on 30th November to every local authority, a number of whom have circulated leaflets to all householders in their areas. More extensive publicity has been deferred until the organisation for collection of the materials is more fully developed by the local authorities. It is hoped shortly to launch a national publicity campaign on the subject.

Sir Percy Harris

Will the hon. and gallant Gentleman put pressure on those local authorities who are not doing their duty in this respect to carry out their functions and to see that a great deal of this valuable material is not wasted?

Colonel Llewellin

I am not prepared to agree that there is any local authority that is not doing its duty. Some of them are carrying out this work quicker than others, and certainly we are pressing those which are not doing it so quickly to get on with the job as quickly as they can.

Sir Richard Acland

Have they any right to grant Government money for any containers that may have to be supplied to householders in order to separate the refuse into different classes?

Mr. Holdsworth

Is my hon. and gallant Friend aware that there is any number of people who have been carrying on this trade for years and that they are quite capable of collecting this material, without the local authorities doing it?

Colonel Llewellin

With regard to the first question, the local authorities can make some profit out of this themselves, and if they need extra containers they should provide them for themselves. With regard to my hon. Friend's question, we are, with regard to metal and similar materials, still using the recognised trade channels, the scrap dealers, and so on.