HC Deb 22 August 1940 vol 364 cc1451-3
49. Mr. Hely-Hutchinson

asked the Prime Minister whether His Majesty's Government have under consideration the difficulties of individuals and of traders, in certain areas, whose means of livelihood has been compromised, and in many cases totally dsetroyed, by the consequences of the threat of invasion; and what steps His Majesty's Government are taking to see that the sacrifices imposed upon individuals so affected should not be borne entirely by such individuals?

50. Sir Robert Gower

asked the Prime Minister whether His Majesty's Government have under consideration the repercussion upon the finances of local authorities arising out of or due to the difficulties of individuals in their areas as a result of voluntary or compulsory evacuation therefrom; whether His Majesty's Government will consider the advisability of ensuring that any deficiency in local revenues arising from this cause shall be considered as a national rather than a local charge; and whether this question will be regarded as one of urgency?

Mr. Attlee

So far as individuals and traders are concerned His Majesty's Government are well aware of the difficulties, often serious, imposed on such persons in different ways by the conditions of war-time, and, in particular by evacuation. Certain action has already been taken in the direction desired. Thus, some protection has been provided for debtors by the Courts (Emergency Powers) Acts, and a moratorium in respect of rents, rates, and certain other local debts is applicable in defined areas under the Defence (Evacuated Areas) Regulations, 1940. The question whether any further steps are desirable and practicable is now under active consideration.

The question of the repercussion of the difficulties of individual persons and traders upon the finances of local authorities is also engaging the active attention of Ministers. My right hon. Friend the Minister of Health is in close touch with representatives of the local authorities specially affected. The House will be aware of the undertaking already given that His Majesty's Government will be prepared to come to the assistance of local government if the local authorities are unable to finance essential services from other sources. I can assure my hon. Friends that the urgency of the issues involved is fully appeciated.

Sir R. Gower

Will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind that, if these burdens are permitted to fall on the ratepayers of the districts concerned, it may mean in some cases that the rates will be increased up to 50s. in the £, to be borne by individuals who have already suffered very considerably financially in consequence of the war, and will he consider the desirability of making a statement at an early date that that shall not be allowed to happen?

Mr. Attlee

Certainly, Sir. That is one of the things that arise out of evacuation, and that is one of the matters that are being considered. I will, of course, have a statement made as soon as possible. The matter is now under consideration.

Mr. Shinwell

Does not the right hon. Gentleman appreciate that individuals and traders are forced to leave these Defence Areas through Government action? Is there not a case for some compensation, apart from such relief as is afforded through the Courts (Emergency Powers) Acts, and will not the Government take steps in that direction very soon?

Mr. Attlee

That is the tenour of my reply, and that kind of thing is now under active consideration.

Sir R. Gower

Can the right hon. Gentleman give any indication as to when he will be likely to be in a position to make a statement?

Mr. Attlee

I cannot name a day, but no time will be lost.