HC Deb 21 August 1940 vol 364 cc1303-4
48. Mr. Granville

asked the Minister without Portfolio whether regular meetings of the Production Council are being held; if so, who is responsible for presiding over these meetings; and whether he is satisfied that this machinery is now the best method of increasing the supply of war materials in this country?

The Minister without Portfolio (Mr. Arthur Greenwood)

The Production Council meets at frequent intervals, with myself as chairman. Its functions are to give general directions as to the organisation and the priority of production for war purposes in accordance with the policy laid down by the War Cabinet, and I think that it discharges these functions with reasonable success. As regards the last part of the Question, I am certainly of opinion that the machinery for giving effect to the Council's directions ought to be modified from time to time to meet changing conditions. Consideration is constantly being given to this aspect of the problem of war production.

Mr. Granville

Does the right hon. Gentleman consider that this elaborate machinery will give the country the maximum supply of war materials, and would it not be better to appoint somebody to cut through red tape rather than create it?

Mr. Greenwood

I think that if the hon. Member was aware of the facts, he would know that the Production Council has cut through red tape.

Mr. Hicks

Is my right hon. Friend satisfied with the agenda provided for him for the proceedings of the Production Council? Does he not feel that it would be to the advantage of himself and his colleagues if he extended his consultations?

Mr. Greenwood

The agenda is not supplied to me. I provide it myself on the information supplied to me. As regards consultations with outside people, that is always going on with the Departments represented on the Council.

Mr. Woodburn

Will consideration be given to the report of the Select Committee in regard to the important question of priorities, because this system requires overhauling?

Mr. Greenwood

I have already communicated with the Ministers concerned, drawing their attention to the report and asking for their observations in relation to the discussions which the Council is now having on this question.