HC Deb 15 August 1940 vol 364 cc936-8
30. Mr. Glenvil Hall

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he is aware that the Middlesex County Council has set up a committee of three persons, armed with supreme power, to consider reports made by head teachers on the loyalty of those serving under them; that individuals so reported upon are given no written information as to the charge made against them and none of the normal privileges of defence, nor have they any right of appeal against conviction; what other local authorities have established similar committees; and whether, as this action is the result of the interpretation placed by the Middlesex County Council on the Government circular issued last May, he will take immediate steps to call the attention of this body to the undesirability of such procedure?

Mr. Ramsbotham

Local education authorities are vested by Statute with the power of appointing and dismissing teachers, and I have no means of knowing what machinery has been set up by the Middlesex authority or by any other authority with a view to terminating the appointment of teachers whose continued employment in present circumstances is regarded as undesirable. As regards the last part of the Question, the Middlesex authority have received the Board's Circular No. 1522, of which I am sending the hon. Member a copy.

Mr. Hall

Cannot my right hon. Friend bring pressure to bear on this authority through the block grant provided by the Government? Does he not think it is a shocking thing that people should be denied the ordinary rights of every individual under the law in this country, charged with an offence?

Mr. Ramsbotham

As I have said, I do not know what machinery has been set up by the Middlesex authority. The circular to which I have referred, and which this authority has received, sets out fully the principles by which they should be guided.

Mr. A. Bevan

Is not the Minister aware that local authorities have been stimulated to this course of action by certain circulars of the Ministry of Health?

Mr. Hall

If the Minister has notofficial knowledge of this matter, surely he has ordinary knowledge of it, at any rate? Will he—

Mr. Speaker rose—

31. Mr. Key

asked the President of the Board of Education whether, in pursuance of the Government's view, as set out in the memorandum accompanying Circular 1522, he will make it clear to local education authorities that he does not approve the action of certain authorities in calling upon head teachers to furnish secret reports upon their staffs' political or religious views; and whether he will take steps to discourage this practice, since it is calculated to undermine the morale of the teaching profession with a consequent adverse effect on the efficiency of the teaching service?

Mr. Ramsbotham

The memorandum to which the hon. Member refers makes it clear that, in the Government's opinion, no person should be penalised for the mere holding of an opinion, and therefore that no useful purpose would be served by eliciting the views of teachers on political or religious matters. The memorandum has been communicated by my Department to local education authorities, and I see no occasion for any further action.

Mr. Key

Would not the Minister be able to take steps to secure that the secret reports already made should be ordered to be destroyed?

Mr. Ramsbotham

I think that retrospective action would be difficult. The circular to which I have referred gives very clear guidance to the local authorities on this subject.

Mr. Bevan

Is the Minister aware that very considerable dissatisfaction is caused among the staffs of local authorities by action of this kind, and that it destroys the esprit de corps of all the staffs in Great Britain to realise that one of their number should be spying on them?

Mr. Ramsbotham

Ground for many misunderstandings will be removed by this circular.