HC Deb 08 August 1940 vol 364 cc408-9
43. Mr. Wedgwood

asked the Home Secretary whether Peter Frolich (C), interned on 1st July while expecting medical examination for joining the Pioneer Labour Corps, comes under any of the categories of those to be released; and also will he say in which camp the boy is now to be found?

Sir J. Anderson

If my right hon. Friend refers to Emmerich Peter Fröhlich, aged 36, this internee, according to the information in the possession of my Department, left for Australia on 10th July.

68. Mr. Wedgwood

asked the Home Secretary whether he will allow internee Dr. Zoltan Deucht, No. 44498, to come up to the United States of America Consulate to be medically examined for his visa to America; and whether he will reconsider, with a view to economy, the necessity of a military escort in such cases?

Sir J. Anderson

I have arranged for inquiries to be made into this case with a view to Dr. Deucht's attendance at the United States Consulate. It is not proposed to employ military escorts in such cases, except where a considerable number of internees are being moved from one camp to another.

71. Sir R. Acland

asked the Home Secretary whether he will make it plain that an application for the release of an enemy alien under Categories 4, 5, 6 and 7 can be made not only by an individual or firm which employed that alien in the past, but also by an individual or firm which intends immediately to employ him?

Sir J. Anderson

The point raised by my hon. Friend would involve an extension of the existing categories, and it is being considered by the Advisory Committee.

72. Mr. Harvey

asked the Home Secretary whether he will expedite the procedure by which suitably qualified refugees may be released from internment by providing applicants for release with a simply worded questionnaire setting out the information they are required to provide before release can be granted; and whether fuller use can be made of the welfare workers in the internment camps in getting this information properly set out?

Sir J. Anderson

The circumstances of each case vary so much that I do not think that a questionnaire would be a satisfactory alternative to the flexible procedure described in the White Paper. As. stated in that document, every facility will be given by the authorities for the preparation of applications by internees and any assistance which the welfare workers can give will be welcomed.

Miss Rathbone

Is not the questionnaire likely to resolve itself into unnecessary trouble for the Home Office?

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