HC Deb 06 August 1940 vol 364 cc13-4
25. Mr. Woodburn

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will issue a general instruction to commanding officers that the maintenance of healthy discipline is best secured by permitting, in free hours, all forms of clean recreation, and that it is harmful to discipline to place out of bounds dances and sport without evident reason, leaving in country areas less desirable places as the only recreation?

Mr. Eden

All forms of healthy recreation are permitted and encouraged in all units in free hours. The circumstances determining what places should be put out of bounds vary in different localities, and commanding officers must have discretion in the matter. I have no information that this discretion is not being properly exercised.

Mr. Woodburn

Is the Minister aware that in at least one district and probably others this discretion is exercised to the extent that visits to cinemas and dances and anywhere outside the local "pub" are not possible for soldiers?

Mr. Eden

I am not aware of that, but the commanding officer must have discretion in this matter. If the hon. Gentleman has some particular case in mind, I shall be very glad to look into it.

Sir Percy Harris

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the N.A.A.F.I. have lately had instructions from headquarters to cut down the entertainment they provide?

Mr. Eden

That is an entirely different Question.

Mr. Woodburn

Will the Minister give a lead to commanding officers to use modern discipline instead of this 1852 stuff?

Mr. Eden

I really cannot accept the charge against commanding officers. There are very difficult circumstances, and I am sure they use their discretion. As I have said, if the hon. Gentleman has any case in mind, I will inquire into it.

Mr. Mathers

Does the right hon. Gentleman regard visits to public houses as coming under the heading of "healthy recreation"?

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