HC Deb 13 September 1939 vol 351 c627
17. Mr. Leach

asked the Lord Privy Seal, as representing the Minister of Information, who compiled the message distributed by the Royal Air Force in Germany so that recognition may be given for a piece of work so greatly in the national interests?

Sir S. Hoare

Whilst I appreciate the hon. Member's commendation of this message, I am afraid that I cannot undertake to give the name of any individual concerned in its compilation.

Mr. Leach

If the right hon. Gentleman cannot tell us who the authors are, may I ask him whether he is aware how warm and universal is the approval of this kind of work, and can he tell us that it is the intention of his Department to continue it?

Sir S. Hoare

I would prefer not to give any undertaking, either negative or affirmative, on a matter of that kind. It seems to me to trench very much on the question of defence. I am, however, very much obliged to the hon. Member for his commendation of the work of those who are engaged in this task.

Mr. Stokes

Will the Minister consider the distribution of a rather more constructive leaflet, instead of purely destructive ones?

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