HC Deb 07 September 1939 vol 351 cc577-8
Mr. A. V. Alexander

(by Private Notice) asked the Minister for Home Security whether he will take into immediate consideration the issue of an order with regard to the hours of shop closing, so as to ensure uniformity of practice in relation to "black-out" precautions, and to provide the maximum of safety for employés and customers?

Sir J. Anderson

There must, of course, in any event be observance of the Lighting Order, and adequate measures must be taken to obscure lights in shops which are open after dark. If the right hon. Gentleman has in mind the closing of all shops at dusk, account must, I suggest, be taken of the difficulties which would be caused in the winter months, especially to the industrial population: but I shall be ready to consider any suggestions which the right hon. Gentleman may wish to make to me on this subject.

Mr. Alexander

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in some areas shopkeepers have already begun to deal with the matter on those lines themselves, while in other areas they cannot at present obtain local agreement? Until the Government are prepared to make a general order, I am afraid these differences will be maintained. I think if the right hon. Gentleman will go into the matter—which is all I ask—immediately, it will be found that a proper adjustment can be arrived at in relation to this matter now.

Sir J. Anderson

I am looking into it. It may be that an order could be made allowing for an element of local discretion, but I will look into it in all its aspects.

Sir P. Harris

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in many towns the vast majority of retail traders are very anxious to close earlier, but are unable to do so because a few are standing out against the proposal; and will he either give a lead to the country about it, or, in the final resort, use some compulsory powers in the interests of the community as a whole, and particularly shop-workers who find it difficult to get home at night under present conditions?

Sir J. Anderson

I have already indicated that I will look into the matter in all its aspects, but the point which I tried to make in my original answer was that I must have regard, not only to the interests of the shopkeepers and their assistants, but also to the interests of the general population.

Mr. Stephen

When the right hon. Gentleman is looking into this matter, will he also look into the question raised by yesterday's occurrence when work people on their way to work were held up by the signal—

Mr. Speaker

That does not arise on this question.

Mr. Jagger

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that, in innumerable cases, shop assistants are being kept, and, in the absence of some order, will be kept working abominable hours?

Sir J. Anderson

There is in force a provision based upon the restrictions that were applied in the last War. That is already in general operation.

Mr. Jagger

But does that deal with hours of labour?

Mr. Aneurin Bevan

When the right hon. Gentleman is considering this matter, will he also take into immediate consideration the question of reopening cinemas and theatres in reception areas in the country?

Sir John Haslam

Will the right hon. Gentleman consult with local authorities on this matter; and will he see that the interests of small individual shopkeepers are considered as well as those of the large multiple stores and the shop assistants? There are others who want to be considered as well as the multiple shops.