HC Deb 19 October 1939 vol 352 cc1020-1
48. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that certain local authorities and statutory bodies, part of whose property has been taken over for war casualties, are at present lacking the necessary information respecting financial adjustments between them and the Government, including the specific charges they are entitled to make; and whether, in view both of the confusion this may cause and the expenditure or financial loss already incurred, he will issue the necessary instructions in the near future?

Mr. Elliot

I have informed local authorities and other similar bodies that the reasonable cost of treating and maintaining casualties in hospitals and generally any additional expenditure due to the participation of hospital authorities in the Emergency Hospital Scheme will be met by the Exchequer. I have forwarded to the representative associations of the local authorities concerned certain proposals as a basis upon which interim payments from the Exchequer shall be made and I await their replies. I hope it will be possible to announce the arrangements at an early date.

Mr. Sorensen

Meanwhile, does not the right hon. Gentleman appreciate that a number of these bodies are in very great difficulty because they cannot have this information?

Mr. Elliot

Yes, I fully realise that, but I have forwarded to them proposals, and I hope it will not be long before the matter is cleared up.