HC Deb 22 November 1939 vol 353 cc1192-3
4. Mr. Lyons

asked the Prime Minister what are the committees of the British Council; when they were appointed; and the dates of the last meetings of each, respectively?

Mr. Butler

The Council has 11 advisory committees. With my hon. Friend's permission, I will circulate the details in the OFFICIAL REPORT

Mr. Lyons

In view of that statement may I ask my right hon. Friend whether he will say in his reply when the British Council last met and the actual date in 1936?

Mr. Butler

The hon. Member's previous contention in this regard is absolutely correct.

Miss Wilkinson

Is not the British Council Lord Lloyd acting on his own?

Mr. Butler

No, Sir, Lord Lloyd, like the rest of us, has a great many helpers and advisers.

Following are the details:

Mr. Butler

The agreement to which the hon. Member refers provides for the setting up of a Joint Standing Anglo-Italian Committee to consider what steps may best be taken to regulate commercial exchanges and communications by rail, sea and air between the two countries, and, in general, to lead to a closer collaboration between the two countries in the economic sphere. The hon. Member will appreciate that, particularly at the present time, commercial and economic relations between this country and Italy give rise to many problems that can more easily be settled in a committee than through the diplomatic channel. It was to meet this need that we agreed with the Italian Government to establish a Joint Committee in which such questions could be regularly discussed and which would be empowered to recommend to the two. Governments appropriate measures in each case. It is our hope that the work of this committee may lead to an increase in Anglo-Italian trade to the benefit of both countries.

Mr. Duncan

Where will this committee function, in London or in Rome?

Mr. Butler

I should like notice of that question.

Mr. Shinwell

Does this agreement provide for the use of Italian tonnage?

Mr. Butler

It is to deal with trade between the two countries.

Mr. Shinwell

The right hon. Gentleman referred to "sea." What is meant by that?

Mr. Butler

If the hon. Member will put a question down I will give him an answer.