HC Deb 01 November 1939 vol 352 cc1921-2
43. Mr. R. Morgan

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information whether his attention has been called to the invitations being issued by the Midland Regional branch of the Ministry to persons in the Birmingham area to attend a meeting to consider plans for developing amateur dramatic activities in the district; what expenditure is being incurred by this and other regional branches of the Department in connection with the development of amateur drama; and whether, before such activities are continued, he will consider the desirability of giving priority in such matters to the professional stage, where severe unemployment exists as a result of blackouts and the compulsory closing down of places of entertainment?

Sir E. Grigg

I am aware that a meeting was held at Birmingham on 24th October, 1939, in connection with a scheme for developing amateur dramatic activities in the district. As I stated on the 24th of last week, in reply to my hon. Friend the Member for North Kensington (Mr. Duncan), the purpose of this and similar meetings elsewhere was to provide for public entertainment, especially in reception areas, by encouraging dramatic performances. The only expenditure involved at Birmingham was 10s. 6d. in respect of the hire of a hall. The total expenditure by the Ministry in all regions where similar meetings were held was £8 1s. 10d. No further meetings of the kind are being arranged by the Ministry, and accordingly the last part of the question does not arise.

Mr. Mander

Does the Minister really think it necessary for a Government Department to intervene in matters of this kind?

Sir E. Grigg

At that time it was thought desirable to get such assistance as was possible in connection with plans for giving public entertainments, particularly in the reception areas.