HC Deb 01 November 1939 vol 352 cc1911-2
20. Sir A. Southby

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is in a position to state whether German surface vessels are operating on the trade routes; and, if so, to what type and class those vessels belong?

Mr. Churchill

Two German warships of the "Deutschland" type have been reported as operating in the Atlantic, one in the North, the other in the South.

Mr. Thorne

Are you chasing them?

Sir A. Southby

Are these the only two surface vessels that have been reported, and can reliance be placed on the report that they are of "Deutschland" type?

Mr. Churchill

Evidence on this matter, as on other matters in this sphere, is conflicting, but I think that we may be sure that at least one vessel of "Deutschland" type has been abroad on the ocean.

Mr. Alexander

Has the Admiralty any information to that effect from actual naval reports?

Mr. Churchill

Oh, yes Sir. We have people who have been held prisoner on board the "Deutschland" and we have reports from sailors of a ship captured by the "Deutschland" who were kept on the "Deutschland" for some time and who had an opportunity of making sure that it was that vessel.

Mr. Cocks

When will the right hon. Gentleman be in a position to state that these ships have been sunk?

Mr. Churchill

I do not think that I ought to try to make any forecast of that kind.