HC Deb 24 May 1939 vol 347 c2455

10.49 p.m.

Mr. Elliot

I beg to move, in page 70, line 37, to leave out "ninety," and to insert "twenty-eight."

Under the Schedule as it stands 90 days' notice is required to be given before entry can be made upon land to take possession of it and we propose to substitute 28 days. The period of 90 days is not too long where there is no urgency, but I think it is inappropriate when we are dealing with matters of such urgency as we are concerned with in this Bill.

Amendment agreed to.

Question, "That this Schedule, as amended, be the Second Schedule to the Bill," put, and agreed to.

Bill reported, with Amendments; as amended, to be considered on Monday, 5th June, and to be printed. [Bill 150.]

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