HC Deb 24 May 1939 vol 347 cc2384-6

Amendment made: In page 50, line 33, after "excavations" insert: or the reconstruction of or alterations to any such buildings."—[Mr. Westwood.]

7.14 p.m.

Mr. Ross Taylor

I beg to move, in page 51, line 1, after "advice," to insert: or requirement or with the concurrence or approval. The Clause provides that statutory restrictions shall not apply to works which have been executed by any person on the advice of a Government Department. In some cases persons have to execute works not on the advice but with the concurrence or at the requirement of a Government Department, and the object of the Amend- ment is to extend the exemption to work executed with the concurrence or approval of the appropriate Government Department.

7.15 p.m.

Mr. Elliot

This Amendment is put forward to a Sub-section relating to works which the Minister has power to exempt, by regulations, from any requirements or restrictions relating to the submission of plans and specifications, and it applies in respect of air-raid shelters provided in accordance with the advice of the appropriate authority and also in respect of works of local authorities. This exemption is conferred by Sub-section (1) of the Clause on works executed by or in accordance with advice given by a local authority or a Government Department. The case put by my hon. Friend can be met by regulations made under Sub-section (2). It is pushing the Clause a little too far to ask that the proposed words be inserted.

Mr. Ross Taylor

In view of what my right hon. Friend has said, I beg to ask leave to withdraw the Amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

7.16 p.m.

Mr. Westwood

I beg to move, in page 51, line 5, at the end, to insert: Provided that the factory inspector or the mines inspector, as the case may be, shall send to the local authority a copy of any report submitted by the occupier of any factory premises or the owner of any mine together with a copy of any report submitted by him to such occupier or owner. Where, on receipt of any such report, it appears to the local authority that such works may—

  1. (i) adversely affect sewers, pipes, cables, mains provided by such local authority; or
  2. (ii) affect the stability of the premises in which such works are to be executed or of property adjoining thereto,
the local authority may require plans of such works to be submitted to them for approval. I hope that I shall have as much success with this Amendment as I had with my last and I shall not trouble the Committee with a speech if I can have some indication from the Minister that it is likely to be accepted.

Mr. Elliot

I do not think I can hold out the same hope to the hon. Gentleman on this occasion. I think the Amendment is not needed in the Bill as it stands and, secondly, that the Amendment would actually delay matters. We appreciate the anxiety of local authorities in these matters, but our desire, with which I am sure the hon. Member sympathises, is to secure that shelters shall be put up as early as possible and that all possible excuses for delay should be removed. I do not think it is necessary for the local authority to receive a copy of any report as suggested. Arrangements can be made by the Minister, for instance, for the local authority to be told when an air-raid shelter is going to be constructed underground in such and such premises. I can give the Committee an assurance and my hon. Friend also—if I may so call him—that every possible step will be taken in administration with regard to this matter.

Mr. Westwood

I wish that the words on the Paper could have been accepted, because I think they would have made the administration more simple. I trust there will be that close relationship between local authority and central authority, and between employers and those who are responsible for the administration, which will make for friendly relationship and speed in dealing with this problem, and I am willing to ask leave to withdraw the Amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clauses 67 to 70 ordered to stand part of the Bill.