HC Deb 22 May 1939 vol 347 cc1891-2
5. Lieut.-Commander Fletcher

asked the Prime Minister whether he has any information to give the House concerning Germany's proposals to the Northern States for bi-lateral, non-aggression pacts?

The Prime Minister (Mr. Chamberlain)

The German Government at the end of last month proposed to the Governments of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Latvia and Estonia that each of these Governments should enter into negotiations with them with a view to the conclusion of bilateral pacts of non-aggression. The Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish Governments have declined the proposal, while the Danish, Latvian and Estonian Governments have accepted it in principle. Negotiations with the two last named Governments are now in progress.

Lieut.-Commander Fletcher

Have the Governments in question communicated their decisions officially to His Majesty's Government and given any reasons?

The Prime Minister

Certainly in two cases they have informed our Ministers.

Mr. Thorne

Do these agreements which are being made from time to time by countries which are members of the League have to be reported to the League?

The Prime Minister

I shall have to have notice of that question.

Mr. Bellenger

Have His Majesty's Government any interests in these proposed agreements between these countries and Germany, and do His Majesty's Government propose to enter into similar agreements with those countries?

12. Mr. Vyvyan Adams

asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the refusal of the Nazi Government to grant continued extra-territorial rights to diplomatic representatives in Prague, he will make it clear that the shutting of the British Legation does not imply recognition by His Majesty's Government of the forcible annexation by Germany of Czecho-Slovakia?

Mr. Butler

The withdrawal of His Majesty's Legation does not affect the attitude of His Majesty's Government, which was stated by the Prime Minister in the House on 20th March.

Lieut.-Commander Fletcher

Will it be possible for British interests to be represented in Moravia without, in fact, any recognition of the annexation?

Mr. Butler

That is part of the question under consideration.

17. Mr. Arthur Henderson

asked the Prime Minister whether he will give an assurance that the recent Anglo-Turkish declaration under which both Governments will seek to achieve the establishment of security in the Balkans does not preclude the Turkish Government from fulfilling its obligations as a member of the Balkan entente?

The Prime Minister

The question of Turkey's obligations under the Balkan Pact is primarily a matter for the Turkish Government, but, so far as I am aware, the Anglo-Turkish Declaration cannot be interpreted as precluding the Turkish Government from fulfilling their obligations under that pact.

Mr. Henderson

Is it not the fact that the Anglo-Turkish Declaration is complementary or additional to the agreement which is known as the Balkan entente?

The Prime Minister

It in no way affects that agreement.

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