HC Deb 09 February 1939 vol 343 c1113
34 Mrs. Adamson

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware of the inadequate accommodation provided by the Kent County Council for mentally-defective children, and that at a recent meeting the Dartford and District Guardians Committee, because of numerous complaints, requested the Kent County Council to provide extra facilities for such children in north-west Kent; and whether he will take the matter up with the Kent County Council so that suitable provision for this rapidly-growing area may be made?

Mr. Elliot

Yes, Sir. The Board of Control have for some time been in communication with the county council on the need for further accommodation for mental defectives, especially children, now in public assistance institutions. I am informed that the extensions at Ley-bourne Grange Mental Deficiency Colony are being expedited, with the result that two Villas for children are expected to be ready during the coming summer.