HC Deb 28 November 1938 vol 342 cc15-6
16. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Prime Minister whether he is in a position to make a statement on the recent visit of Mr. Pirow to Portugal?

Mr. H. G. Williams

On a point of Order. Since Mr. Pirow is a Minister of the Crown in one of His Majesty's Dominions, is it proper that questions should be addressed to Ministers here about the movements of His Majesty's Ministers in another part of His Majesty's Dominions?

Mr. Speaker

The question did not appear to me to be out of order.

Mr. Butler

An official communique issued in Lisbon on the conclusion of Mr. Pirow's visit stated that he had discussed with Portuguese Ministers a number of matters of mutual interest, including air services between the Union of South Africa and Angola, on which agreement was arrived at, and also the question of trade possibilities between the two countries, which is to be further explored.

Mr. MacMillan

Can the hon. Gentleman say whether questions of foreign policy or of colonies were discussed?

Mr. Butler

I have given the hon. Member the information in my possession. I would refer him also to the statement which he will find in the "Times" of 2nd November.

Mr. Shinwell

On the question of negotiations regarding trade possibilities between Portugal and the Union of South Africa, have His Majesty's Government been fully informed?

Mr. Butler

The hon. Member may be quite sure that we have in our possession all the information that we need.

Mr. MacMillan

Does the hon. Gentleman suggest that I should refer to the "Times" because the "Times" is better informed than he is?

Mr. Robert Gibson

On a point of Order. Will the hon. Gentleman circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the excerpt from the "Times," so that hon. Members may be rightly informed?