HC Deb 16 November 1938 vol 341 cc850-1
20. Vice-Admiral Taylor

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is aware that by A.F.O. No. 2478 of 1938, officers on the retired list who have received promotion on their retirement when called up for service must revert to the rank they last held before retirement; and whether this order will be reconsidered?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty (Mr. Shakespeare)

I am glad to have this opportunity of explaining the reasons for the recent Fleet Order. The former regulation whereby retired officers recalled to active service were allowed to retain the uniform and title of a rank higher than that to which they were appointed, was found during the recent emergency to create such inconveniences that it was decided that all such officers should in future wear the uniform and use the title proper to the appointments they were given. I am confident that all officers will accept this modification as one necessitated by changed conditions, and I need hardly assure my hon. and gallant Friend that it involves no alteration in the pay of these officers nor in their right to use the higher title and appropriate uniform when they are not actually in service.

Vice-Admiral Taylor

While thanking the hon. Member for his reply, is it a fact that there was no suggestion that when these officers were subsequently recalled for duty they would have to surrender their rank? I understand from the answer that when they are recalled to the Service they will retain their rank and wear the uniform of a lower rank. I should like to ask the hon. Member whether there is any need for that, not in regard to senior rank officers but in regard to officers under flag rank?

Mr. Shakespeare

The Order does not apply to flag officers. The purpose of the change is to employ as many retired officers as possible in an emergency. As the hon. and gallant Member points out, there is no change as regards the rank and seniority of retired officers when they are called up; their position is exactly the same. His rank and seniority for command when on the active list is the same. All we say is that for the purpose of removing a discrepancy we are asking him to wear the uniform appropriate to his rank.

Vice-Admiral Taylor

But may I ask the hon. Member—

Mr. Speaker

The answer has been given twice.

Vice-Admiral Taylor

There is a considerable amount of feeling on this matter.