HC Deb 10 November 1938 vol 341 cc294-5
56. Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been drawn to the last annual report of the county medical officer for Lancashire showing increases in the number and percentage of non-pulmonary tuberculosis cases among children; if so, will he state how these figures compare with other industrial areas; and what steps will be taken to deal with this problem?

Mr. Elliot

There was a certain increase in the number of cases of non-pulmonary tuberculosis notified, consequent upon the medical examination of the school children; but the annual report of the county medical officer does not indicate any increase in the total number of cases among children. Indeed, the figures show a slight decrease as compared with the preceding year.

Mr. Davies

Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the other part of my question, as to how the figures for Lancashire compare with those for similar industrial areas?

Mr. Elliot

For the country as a whole there was a slight rise in the number of notifications of deaths at all ages. For Lancashire, I think the figures were rather more favourable.