HC Deb 16 June 1938 vol 337 cc390-1
58. Mr. Kirby

asked the Minister of Health whether he has received any complaints as to the suggested closing of day nurseries in the city of Liverpool, in view of the fact that the city council have decided to close four day nurseries; whether he is aware that such action is widely deplored and will lead to the mothers of the children affected having to relinquish necessary wage-earning employment in order to care for their children at home; and, to avoid causing these mothers to seek public assistance, will he take steps to investigate fully proposals to reduce the number of day nurseries in Liverpool?

Mr. Elliot

I have, as previously stated, received two complaints in this matter, and have requested the council to reconsider their decision. I am at present awaiting the result of their reconsideration.

Mr. Kirby

May I ask the Minister on what date he asked the council to reconsider its decision with regard to this matter?

Mr. Elliot

I am afraid I could not say without notice.

Mr. Kirby

Will the right hon. Gentleman be good enough to let me know?

Mr. Elliot

I will, if the hon. Member desires it, send him a copy of the letter which I sent to the council.