HC Deb 28 July 1938 vol 338 cc3274-5
8. Mr. Burke

asked the Minister of Labour how many firms on the King's National Roll employ ex-service pensioners; the total number of pensioners so employed; and the number of these in receipt of disability pensions?

Mr. E. Brown

The King's National Roll scheme is concerned with the employment of disabled ex-service men only. At the beginning of April 24,065 employers were enrolled and they were employing 316,776 disabled ex-service men. No doubt the majority of these are in receipt of disability pensions, but I am unable to give the exact number.

Mr. Burke

Would it not be possible for the Minister to find out the exact number by circulating the employers? Seeing that these firms receive a considerable amount of distinction and public approval for their actions, does not the right hon. Gentleman think the House and the public ought to know the extent to which these people are in receipt of disability pensions?

Mr. Brown

The hon. Member will understand that those who are not in receipt of disability pensions are in several very clear categories. I cannot give those categories in answer to a supplementary question, but I should be glad to circulate the main categories in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Robert Gibson

Would that information include Scotland?

Mr. Brown

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Gibson

Will the right hon. Gentleman also give the figures for Scotland?

Mr. Brown

I will do so if I can.

Mr. Gallacher

Will the right hon. Gentleman assure us that the employers in general are treating the ex-service men better than the Minister of Pensions?