HC Deb 15 February 1938 vol 331 cc1681-4
41. Mr. Westwood

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the names of the two authorities which have applied for grants under the Physical Training and Recreation Act?

Mr. Elliot

I am informed that 30 applications by local authorities for grants under the Physical Training Act are at present before the regional committees. The names of the two local authorities whose applications relate to the provision of community centres are the town councils of Aberdeen and Kilsyth.

43. Sir Samuel Chapman

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many local authorities in Scotland have taken powers under Clause 4 of the Physical Training and Recreation Act, 1937, to acquire, lay out, and equip holiday

Mr. Mathers

Does not the right hon. Gentleman think that the other authorities should now have their attention drawn to this matter and be urged to provide such centres?

Mr. Elliot

I will consider that.

Following is the statement:

camps or camping sites, within or without their area, either with or without charge; will he bring to their notice the action of the Scottish Council for Community Service in the Special Areas in Scotland in providing in 1936 two holiday camps for a period of 20 weeks at Rothesay and South Queensferry, and so enabling 3,343 families, comprising 17,739 individuals, to enjoy a week's holiday; and will he call attention to the statement of the commissioners as to the efficient organisation and beneficial results to the campers and urge upon local authorities the necessity of action on their part?

Mr. Elliot

I am informed that application for a grant towards the provision of a holiday camp has been made under the recent Act by the County Council of Ayr, and that under the appropriate statutory provision the education authorities of Dunbarton County and Aberdeen Burgh are considering the establishment of camps for children and adolescents in their areas. The position in regard to the facilities which have been provided by the Scottish Community Service Council for the benefit of unemployed persons and their families in the Special Areas has been fully discussed between the Special Areas Commissioner and the Physical Training Grants Committee; and I am glad to learn that arrangements are being made to renew the grants which have been given from the Special Areas Fund for this purpose. I have no doubt that the Scottish Advisory Council and the regional committees, in reviewing local needs, will have full regard to the desirability of encouraging the provision of adequate camping facilities in their areas.

44. Sir S. Chapman

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many local authorities have exercised the powers or are taking steps to exercise the extension of powers given them by Clause 4 of the Physical Training and Recreation Act, to acquire, lay out, and provide with suitable buildings, gymnasiums, without grant from the Scottish Advisory Council, otherwise than those provided as community centres under the Housing Acts?

Mr. Elliot

I am informed by the Scottish Advisory Council that in connection with the general survey which is at present being carried out, all local authorities have recently been requested to furnish particulars of the various facilities for physical training and recreation, which are available in their area, and to bring to the notice of Regional Committees as soon as possible any new proposals, whether or not they involve an application for grant. Pending completion of the general survey, I regret that I am unable to supply the detailed particulars for which my hon. Friend asks.

54. Sir S. Chapman

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what steps are being taken for the training of leaders for the various branches of physical activity that may come under the scope of the Scottish National Advisory Council for Physical Training and Recreation?

Mr. Elliot

This matter has been receiving careful attention from the Scottish Advisory Council and the position is at present being investigated by the regional committees in the different localities. I am accordingly not in a position to make any statement.

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