HC Deb 05 April 1938 vol 334 cc195-6
Sir Hugh O'Neill

I rise to ask, on a point of Order, whether you, Mr. Speaker, will give further consideration to the incident which arose in the House yesterday, and, if so, whether you desire to make a statement to the House?

Mr. Speaker

The right hon. Member has raised the question of the incident which occurred in the House yesterday afternoon, and as the honour and reputation of the House is concerned I feel bound, for the future guidance of the House, to give him a considered reply. I am, as all well know, the guardian of the honour of the House, and hon. Members have the right to look for protection from me in carrying on their duties as Members of Parliament in a peaceful and orderly manner. If at any time I may have seemed to fail in that duty it certainly has not been for want of trying, and I ask, and know that I shall have, the indulgence of the House. An incident such as took place yesterday is, happily, of rare occurrence, but the House will understand that I consider it of the gravest character. I do not put blame on one Member more than another, but incidents such as occurred yesterday, whoever is to blame, lower the reputation of this House, not only in this country but in the eyes of the world. We have here the priceless possession of a democratic House of Commons with a long tradition of orderly conduct in Debate, and never

was it more important that that tradition should be maintained than it is to-day.

The particular circumstances surrounding yesterday's incident made it, in my judgment, after careful consideration, impossible for me to act otherwise than I did, but let it not be considered that any similar case may ever occur in future without fear of consequent punishment. An attack of personal violence in the House by one Member on another is, under any circumstances and whatever the provocation, without justification. In this case, both Members having expressed an ample apology to the House for their behaviour, I hope that, although the incident may not be forgotten, it may now be considered closed.

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