HC Deb 23 June 1937 vol 325 cc1187-8
50. Brigadier-General Clifton Brown

asked the Minister of Transport what has been the result of his inquiries to the Southern Railway Company about the death of the four children killed recently by coming into contact with their unprotected live rail; and whether he is taking steps to ensure that the Southern Railway Company will provide proper fencing or take adequate measures to prevent similar accidents in future?

Mr. Burgin

I am still in communication with the company regarding these accidents, but am fully alive to the position.

Brigadier-General Brown

Would the Minister answer the second part of my question, and tell me what the railway company are doing about proper fencing or other measures?

Mr. Burgin

Yes, Sir; I am in communication with the railway company. The responsibility is theirs, but I am most anxious to give them every opportunity for carrying out whatever experimental work they desire.

Mr. Paling

Is the Minister aware that this question was discussed on a Private Bill in this House about a month ago and was given attention, and that a guarantee was given that due regard would be paid to this matter of safety? Does the present answer indicate that there has been a change?

Mr. Burgin

It indicates that problems of a larger size have been encountered than were contemplated. I am in communication with the Southern Railway. They are going to do certain work, and I am desirous of meeting them in that respect.

Mr. Montague

Would there have been more concern if these had been foxes instead of children?