HC Deb 17 February 1937 vol 320 cc1171-3
32. Mr. Kelly

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air what is the area of land of Parlaunt farm, Langley, for which the Slough Council was willing to pay £63,000 for the purposes of an airport but as to which the Ministry told the council they must not pay more than £50,000; whether the land is wholly agricultural and therefore derated; and what is the value at which it has been assessed for purposes of Income Tax?

The Financial Secretary to the War Office (Sir Victor Warrender)

I have been asked to reply. The area which the Slough Urban District Council propose to acquire as an aerodrome is about 190 acres in extent. The council have made a compulsory purchase order for the acquisition but objections have been raised and the acquisition is to be the subject of a public inquiry before confirmation of the order is considered. I have no information which would enable me to reply to the other points which are raised in the hon. Member's question.

33. Mr. Kelly

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether, as proposed by the Nottingham Corporation, a compulsory purchase order for the acquisition of 165,967 acres of land in the parish of Tollerton for the purpose of an aerodrome has been made, the land belonging to Earl Manvers; what price the owner is asking or what has been agreed; if the purchase has been effected; and what is, the present value at which the land is assessed for purposes of Income Tax?

Sir V. Warrender

I understand that the Nottingham Corporation, in the exercise of powers made available to local authorities by Section 9 of the Air Navigation Act, 1936, have made a compulsory purchase order for the acquisition of some 166 acres of land for the purpose of extending the aerodrome at Tollerton, and that part of this land is the property of Earl Manvers. I regret that I have no information as regards either the price negotiations that have taken place or the value of the land for Income Tax purposes. As regards completion of purchase, Section 9 of the Air Navigation Act provides that the compulsory purchase order must first be confirmed by my Noble Friend as provided for in the First Schedule to the Act, and it is now being considered in that connection.

Mr. Kelly

With regard to these 166 acres, will the hon. Gentleman ascertain the price and make it known as soon as possible?

Sir V. Warrender

The Air Ministry is not concerned with the price.

Colonel Wedgwood

When these extensive purchases of land are made, does any Government Department take any steps to check the price by the annual value for Income Tax purposes?

Sir V. Warrender

I would point out that this is not a question of 165,000 acres; it is a question of 166 acres.

Colonel Wedgwood

That is not an answer to my question.

34. Mr. Kelly

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air what progress has been made with regard to the proposals lately before the Darlington Corporation to spend £30,000 on the purchase of 350 acres for the purpose of an air-port on the south side of Yarm Road and east of Lingfield Lane; whether powers of compulsory purchase have been obtained; whether the matter has been taken to arbitration and, if so, what was the arbiter's award; what has been the assessment of this land for purposes of Income Tax; and what, in addition to the purchase price, is likely to be the expenditure on draining, clearing of hedges and trees, levelling, and other expenditure for making the land suitable as an air-port?

Sir V. Warrender

The Darlington Corporation, in the exercise of powers made available to local authorities by Section 9 of the Air Navigation Act, 1936, have made a compulsory purchase order for the acquisition of 370 acres of land for an aerodrome in the vicinity mentioned. The order has recently been submitted to the Secretary of State for Air for confirmation in accordance with the requirements of the Act, and is now under consideration. As regards the other information asked for by the hon. Member, it is regretted that no information is available in the Air Ministry.

Colonel Wedgwood

Are any steps taken by any Government Department to check these enormous prices by the annual value for Income Tax purposes?

Sir V. Warrender

Yes, Sir, the Ministry of Health under the Act, appoint a valuer to inquire into he financial considerations of these purchases, and if they are not satisfied they make representations accordingly.

Mr. Kelly

Will the latter part of my question be gone into and a reply given as to the expenditure likely to be entailed for drainage and other purposes?

Sir V. Warrender

That, again, is a question which ought to be addressed to the Ministry of Health.