HC Deb 04 February 1937 vol 319 cc1740-3
5. Mr. Gallacher

asked the Minister of Labour the number of areas where unemployment assistance boards are still operating the original rent rule fixing basic rent as one-fourth of the provisional allowance?

Mr. E. Brown

I assume the hon. Member is referring to adjustments in allowances when the rent paid is less than one-fourth of the scale rates of the household. I am informed by the board that under the recommendations of the local advisory committees concerned such adjustments to the extent of the full difference are being made as a general rule in four areas only, all of which are substantially rural in character. Some 20 of the remaining 122 committees have made recommendations under which adjustments to the extent of the full difference are made in specific classes of cases such as applicants in households with resources and applicants living in the rural parts of an area.

Mr. James Griffiths

Would it not be for the convenience of hon. Members who are interested in this question if the right hon. Gentleman made available in the House in some way or another the rentals that have now been adopted as a result of the committees' recommendations.

Mr. Brown

I will consider that.

Mr. Gallacher

Can the right hon. Gentleman give the four areas where this applies?

Mr. Brown

Not at the moment, but I will consider the form in which this information can best be given to hon. Members.

6. Mr. Gallacher

asked the Minister of Labour the percentage of unemployed persons who have received increased payments from local unemployment assistance boards since the revised Regulations came into force; whether the percentage in the county of Fife is above or below that in other areas; and whether any sub-district in Fife has a higher proportion of unemployed receiving such increases than the other sub-districts of the county?

Mr. Brown

Of the total number of persons in Great Britain who were in receipt of unemployment assistance and whose circumstances had remained unchanged since the last assessment under the old Regulations, about 36 per cent. received increased payments under the new Regulations. Particulars relating only to the county of Fife are not available, but in the board's areas of Cowdenbeath and Kirkcaldy, which together cover the counties of Fife and Kinross, the combined percentage was about pi, while for the two areas separately the percentages were about 30 and 32 respectively.

8. Mr. Logan

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is now in a position to make a statement as regards the monetary concession the Unemployment Assistance Board are prepared to make to the unemployed in Coronation week?

Mr. Brown

I expect to be in a position to make a statement on this subject in the near future.

10. Mr. T. Williams

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that, where an ex-service unemployed person is in receipt of £1 per week disability pension, 4s. is being deducted as representing an allowance for the wife; and whether the Unemployment Assistance Board have considered such a deduction in the light of recent Regulations?

Mr. Brown

No such deduction is made in the case of a disability pension of or less which does not include a supplementary allowance for dependants. When there is such a supplementary allowance the board have no authority for leaving it out of account.

Mr. Williams

Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that deductions have taken place and that cases have been sent to the Ministry of Labour showing that the 4s. referred to in the question have actually been deducted since 1937 came in?

Mr. Brown

No, I am not aware of that, but I am aware that the law makes it quite plain in Section 38 (3, b) of the 1934 Act.

Mr. Williams

As deductions of this 4s. have taken place and cases have been sent to the right hon. Gentleman's Department, will he see that the area officers are circularised on that point?

Mr. Brown

As the hon. Member has sent me cases, I will have them inquired into, and if he has a special case to send in, I will have that inquired into; but that is the law.

Mr. Messer

May I ask the Minister whether he will speak a little more slowly, as it is most difficult to catch what he says?

11. Mr. T. Williams

asked the Minister of Labour in how many cases where young men and women have been found work in the Birmingham area by the Birmingham association for the relief of distressed areas the Unemployment Assistance Board have assisted parents to follow their children; and what was the nature of the assistance given?

Mr. Brown

It is not possible in all instances to identify cases with which this association has been connected, but since the inception of the scheme, application has been made to the Unemployment Assistance Board in the Birmingham area in 21 cases in respect of parents who have rejoined their children under the family removal scheme. In six of the cases the head of the household found work shortly after arrival and no special action was taken; in 11 others, special financial assistance by way of adjustment of allowance has been given by the board while in the remaining four cases the circumstances of the reunited household have been such that no special action has been regarded as necessary.

Mr. Williams

When a son or daughter has left South Wales or the North-East Coast, having found a situation in Birmingham, and the parents have followed, has the application of the means test been deferred in any case?

Mr. Brown

That is another question. I have answered the question put by the hon. Member, and if he wishes me to answer this question, perhaps he will put it down.

Mr. Williams

Will the Minister be good enough to tell us what he means when he says that financial assistance has been rendered to 11 families?

Mr. Brown

If I am asked, I will certainly do so, but I have answered the question on the Paper.