HC Deb 26 November 1936 vol 318 cc541-2

asked the President of the Board of Education what steps are taken by his Department to prohibit the distribution of political literature to school children during school hours in the case of a non-provided elementary school receiving grants from public funds?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Mr. Oliver Stanley)

No distinction can be drawn in this matter between non-provided and provided schools. I am confident that managers equally with local education authorities are fully alive to the impropriety of permitting the distribution of political literature to school children during school hours. If the hon. Member has any particular case in mind, I should be glad if he would furnish me with particulars.


If I furnish the right hon. Gentleman with information to the effect that at a non-provided school there was distributed to the senior scholars during school hours a pamphlet on "Why you must not be a Communist," will he consider taking any action?


The hon. Member had better furnish me with the particulars first.


On a point of Order, Am I not entitled to get from the Minister a statement as to whether or not he considers that ground for action by his Department?


The Minister has said that he would like to see the pamphlet first, and I think that is a reasonable request.