HC Deb 20 May 1935 vol 302 cc5-6

asked the Minister of Agriculture the consumption of bacon per head of the population of Great Britain for the years 1924, 1931, and 1934, and the average price of best qualities for the same years?


As the answer involves a number of figures, I will, with per mission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

The estimated consumption of bacon per head in the United Kingdom for the years 1924, 1930 and 1934 was 26 lbs., 28.1 lbs. and 25.3 lbs., respectively Figures for Great Britain alone and for the year 1931 are not available

The annual average prices (wholesaler to retailer) of first quality English and Danish bacon (green sides) in the years 1924, 1930 and 1934 were:

English Danish
Year. per cwt. per cwt.
s. d. s. d.
1924 121 0 108 0
1930 126 6 97 0
1934 97 0 93 0

The average prices per lb. of streaky bacon in the years 1924,1930 and 1934, according to the Ministry of Labour Gazette were:

Per lb.
Year. s. d.
1924 1
1930 1 4
1934 1

NOTE.—Particulars of average retail prices for best qualities are not available