HC Deb 03 April 1935 vol 300 cc348-50

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that there are intermediate restriction signs in restricted areas on main roads which, in the general absence of derestriction signs, appear to be terminating a restricted area, particularly when located so that on one side there are practically no habitations, and where, although the roads are lighted, the lamp posts are of such a nature and so located as to be easily overlooked, particularly in the daytime when not lighted; and what steps are being taken to avoid the promiscuous erection of restriction signs and to see that these are erected so as to be easily visible by the motorist, which many are not to-day?


I am aware of one case where intermediate restriction signs have been erected in this manner, and I have asked the local authority to remove them. I will at once take similar action in any other case which is brought to my notice and will also draw the attention of the local authority concerned to any restriction sign which is alleged to be insufficiently visible.

34. Mr. JOEL

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that, in view of the introduction of the 30-milesan-hour speed limit in built-up areas, there is no further need for the construction of traffic roundabouts within such areas; and whether he will see that no more work of this kind is carried out except in special circumstances?


I do not share my hon. Friend's view that traffic roundabouts are unnecessary in areas where the 30-miles-per-hour speed limit is in force.


Would it not be a very dangerous thing to do what is suggested in the question?


Yes, Sir.

37. and 38. Sir W. BRASS

asked the Minister of Transport (1) whether he is aware that, as a result of the introduction of the 30-miles-per-hour limit so soon as the 18th of March last, many miles of road, including by-pass roads, are still without any de-restriction signs; and whether, in view of the confusion which is resulting therefrom, he can state when a sufficient supply of these signs will be available;

(2) whether, in view of the fact that the 30-miles-per-hour limit was brought into force by his Department before the local authorities had the necessary restriction and de-restriction signs available, he will inform the House if he has undertaken the responsibility for the cast of the temporary signs and posts which had to be erected by 18th March, or whether the cost of these will have to be borne wholly or in part by the local authorities; and whether he can give an approximate estimate of the amount of money involved?


Local authorities had ample notice of the coming into force of the speed limit. The Act imposing it was passed in July last, and on 31st October local authorities were formally asked to make their preparations. Again on 14th January, they were asked to have all signs in position by 18th March. I have undertaken to pay the whole cost of certain temporary signs supplied to local authorities before that date. An estimate of the amount involved is £700. If my hon. and gallant Friend will indicate any particular road or roads he has in mind, I will at once take up the matter with the responsible local authority.


Why should I have to point out these roads? There are roads all over the country where de-restriction signs are not up. Could not the Minister use his own commissioners, who are all over the country, to see whether these de-restriction and restriction signs are in proper order?


Yes, Sir; I have been using my road engineers, but I hope my hon. and gallant Friend will realise that I am dealing with 200,000 miles of road and 2,000 local authorities. Most of them have complied very readily with my requests, and, if there are any delays or inconveniences, I have made it my business, whenever my attention has been called to them, to persuade the local authorities to act more promptly. I will certainly do anything in my power to hasten the provision of any signs that may be missing.


On the experience that he has had since the 30-miles limit came into operation, is there not, on the whole, general satisfaction throughout the country with it?