HC Deb 23 November 1933 vol 283 cc270-2

May I ask the Prime Minister if he will state the business to be taken next week.


In the event of the Resolution passed by this House relating to the appointment of a Joint Committee on Indian Constitutional Reform being agreed to in another place, we shall consider a Motion nominating the Commons Members of the Committee.

to-morrow. Afterwards, the Opposition Amendment to the Address will be moved— But humbly regret that, by their mishandling of international and imperial affairs, pursuing at home a policy of creating artificial scarcity in the interests of private profit instead of taking measures to increase the production of wealth and to ensure a better distribution of purchasing power, tailing to reverse the unjust economies enforced upon the unemployed and other classes and to restore and develop the social services, impeding the housing activities of local authorities, and refusing to initiate or finance public works calculated to develop our national resources and provide much-needed employment, Your Majesty's advisers are delaying the realisation of peace and disarmament, making no contribution to the solution of the world economic crisis, and neglecting their mandate to promote the welfare of the country. Monday: Conclusion of the Debate on the Opposition Amendment to the Address.

Tuesday: Continuation and conclusion of the Debate on the Address. The Amendment down in the name of the right hon. and gallant Member for Caithness and Sutherland (Sir A. Sinclair) will be taken— But humbly regret that the Gracious Speech from the Throne indicates no effective policy on the part of Your Majesty's advisers to promote either the restoration of world trade on which our own prosperity must depend or the development of the resources and the equipment of the nation. Wednesday: Private Members' Motions.

Thursday: Unemployment Bill, Second Reading.

Friday: Private Members' Bills.

The Government propose to set apart three days for the Second Reading of the Unemployment Bill and the Committee stage of the Financial Resolution. The Debate will be continued on Monday, the 4th December, and concluded on Tuesday, the 5th December. On any day, if there is time, other Orders may be taken.


Is the right hon. Gentleman able to say when the Money Resolution will be taken, because it will largely depend on what that Resolution consists whether we consider that the allocation of three days is sufficient for the Second Reading of the Bill and the Committee stage of the Money Resolution.


The Money Resolution will be taken on Tuesday week, and the Resolution itself will be taken early next week.


We may want to ask for extra time when we have seen and examined the Money Resolution. I only wanted the right hon. Gentleman to understand that we are not consenting off-hand to the proposal to take both in three days.


We will, of course, take note of what the right hon. Gentleman has said.