HC Deb 10 March 1933 vol 275 cc1501-2

May I ask the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury if he will make a statement as to the business for next Monday?


As a result of conversations which have taken place through the usual channels, extra time will be given to the preliminary stages of the Agricultural Marketing Bill. The Debate on the Second Reading will begin on Monday next and be concluded on Monday week, March 20th. We shall also consider on that day—that is, March 20th—the Committee stage of the Financial Resolution for the Agricultural Marketing Bill and Motions approving the Additional Import Duties (No. 1) Order, 1933, and the Scottish Raspberries Marketing Scheme.

I may add, for the information of Members, that it has been agreed to take the Committee stage of the Local Government (General Exchequer Contributions) Bill after the Air Estimates on Tuesday of next week, and the Third Reading of that Bill after the Navy Estimates, and the formal Ways and Means Resolution on Thursday.


Speaking for my friends, we are much obliged to the Patronage Secretary for making the arrangement with respect to the Agricultural Marketing Bill, but we want to reserve thanks in regard to the Motions approving the Additional Import Duties Order. We agree to them being taken in this way on Monday, but we hope that on the next occasion they will be taken at a more convenient time.