HC Deb 12 December 1933 vol 284 cc335-6

11.2 p.m.


I beg to move, in page 4, line 10, at the end, to insert the words: Provided that nothing in this Section shall be deemed to authorise in any scheme a provision whereby the powers conferred upon the board may be restricted at the discretion of another board. This is a very simple proposal, and I am half inclined to think that the right hon. Gentleman for the first time will concede the Amendment, if he thinks it is really necessary, although so far not a comma nor a dot has he given away. Under Clause 6 any board operating in England can take over the powers of a similar board operating in Northern Ireland. They can become their sales agents and distribute Northern Ireland produce in this country. It therefore empowers the British board to become an import board for Northern Irish bacon purposes. We want to ensure that under the terms of this transfer of powers the British board will not be empowered at some later date to restrict the output from Northern Ireland or to restrict the sale in England of Northern Ireland produce. That is the sole intention and purpose of this Amendment. We think, not that we are head over ears in love with Northern Ireland any more than with England or Scotland, that if there is to be a normal expansion based upon co-operation, it ought to be exercised within the four corners of the scheme, and we do not want any English board to superimpose its greater powers upon any smaller board.

11.4 p.m.


I am sure I shall be able to satisfy my hon. Friend completely, not necessarily by accepting his Amendment, but by assuring him that I have taken legal advice, and that the whole purpose

which he desires is already effected in this Clause. He put this Clause to me on Second Reading, and, therefore, I am obliged to him for that, and have been able to take legal advice on the subject. On that occasion he said: Will a board, under the terms of Clause C of this Bill be able to exercise actual control over the output and the sale of Northern Ireland produce in the British Isles? Will the Great Britain Bacon Board have power at present, or on any future occasion, to limit the output in Northern Ireland or to limit the sale of Northern Ireland produce on the British market?"—[OFFICIAL REPORT, 7th December, 1933; col. 1929, Vol. 283.]

I think that that states fairly the point which the hon. Gentleman has raised again to-night. I have taken legal advice, and I am advised that his fears are groundless. There is nothing under Clause 6 to enable a board to exercise control over the output of Northern Ireland produce or to enable a Great Britain Bacon Board to have power at present or in the future to limit the output in Northern Ireland or to limit the sale of Northern Ireland produce in the British market. That being so, I am sure the hon. Gentleman will not find it necessary to press the Amendment.


On that statement, I beg to ask leave to withdraw the Amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.