HC Deb 16 February 1932 vol 261 cc1463-6

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether the purpose of the 13 rooms in this House allocated to the Government for the use of all sections of their supporters applies to the nine rooms given to the Opposition?


Yes, Sir.


Seeing that there is a condition that all sections of the Government's supporters shall share, does the right hon. Gentleman take any steps to see that all sections of the Opposition share?


As a matter of fact, I have taken no steps to see that the rooms allocated to the Government supporters have been shared among them. They have done that by arrangement between the Whips, and it is not for me to interfere with the discretion of the Leader of the Opposition how he allocates the rooms allocated to him.


If the use of the rooms is laid down for all sections of the Opposition, and that is not carried out, surely it is within the purview of the right hon. Gentleman to interfere to see that that arrangement is carried out.


It is not laid dawn, as the hon. Member says. It is merely the custom of the House. With every new Parliament, the First Commissioner of Works allocates first rooms to Ministers such as they require, and the Government Chief Whip and the Leader of the Opposition arrange for the allocation of the remaining rooms.


Seeing that the custom in past Parliaments has been for the Opposition sections to be allocated rooms, could not the right hon. Gentleman now intervene, in view of the fact that all sections of the Opposition are not being allocated rooms?


This quarrel is really entirely between the hon. Member and his section and the Leader of the Opposition, and I decline to intervene between them.


I only rise to say, if you will allow me, Sir, that I know of no quarrel. No one has communicated anything about the matter to me.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the rooms that the Labour party used to occupy on the Terrace have now been pinched by the women?

Viscountess ASTOR

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Labour Members under the late Government made a row about the women having a room, and that women do not pinch anything?


I have had a quarrel with no one. Seeing that the rooms are not being used for the purpose for which he allocated them, will the right hon. Gentleman take steps to see that they are used for that purpose?


I do not see how I can begin to make these differentiations between different sections. I understand that, on the Government side, the followers of the Home Secretary have one more room than the followers of the Foreign Secretary. The matter will he much better dealt with, as it always has been dealt with, by the supporters and opponents of the Government in a friendly manner. I will withdraw the word "quarrel," and I hope the matter can be adjusted without being referred to me.


Could not the matter be decided by the extra room which is occupied by the Home Secretary's supporters being allocated to us?


asked the First Commissioner of Works if the nine rooms allocated for the use of the Opposition include the room allocated to the Leader of the Opposition; and if any inquiry is made into the use made of these, rooms?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative, and to the latter part in the negative.


Am I to understand that rooms are allocated and that no inquiry is made whether the rooms are used for the purposes for which they are allocated; and is it not within the purview of the right hon. Gentleman, and is it not his duty, from time to time, to make inquiries to see that the rooms are used for the purposes for which they are allocated?


really think that it is not my duty to inquiry into exactly who occupies any one of the rooms which have been allocated to a party of which I am not a Member, and I think it would be an interference with the internal machinery of the Labour Opposition which would be a very undesirable precedent to set. I am certainly not prepared to take personal responsibility for everything that goes on in every room.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in the late Parliament because of the question of the improper use of one room cropping up, the room in question, after inquiry, was put to another use. I wish to ask the right hon. Gentleman, as the responsible Minister, if he is not entitled, or if he thinks the House is not entitled, to see that these rooms are not being used for the purpose of carrying on the work of outside bodies. That is our question. We consider we have a right to a room instead of outside party unions.


If anybody has any reason to suppose that anything improper is going on in a room it is their duty to bring it to the attention either of the police or of myself. I know that a case was raised, and, if the hon. Gentleman can suggest that any one of the rooms is not being properly used now, I shall be very glad to go into the matter.


Mr. Speaker, I wish to give notice that at the close of Questions I shall raise this problem with you.