HC Deb 23 July 1931 vol 255 c1674
70. Mr. ALPASS

asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the hardships which in some instances result to the occupiers of houses situated in areas which are cleared by local authorities, and particularly to shopkeepers resident in those areas; and what action he proposes to take to mitigate these hardships?


I am aware that the clearance of an area and the enforced removal of the occupiers, including shopkeepers, may in some cases cause inconvenience and even financial hardship, but I would refer my hon. Friend to the provision made in Section 41 of the Act of 1930 which confers upon the local authority, so far as regards displacements under the Housing Act, 1930, a discretion to pay reasonable allowances towards expenses of removal or towards any loss which in their opinion a shopkeeper may sustain by reason of the disturbance of his trade or business.


Have the people affected, and who are suffering these hardships, any right of appeal; and, if so, to whom?


The matter is entirely within the discretion of the local authority. Normally they would make their claims to the local authority. They have no right of appeal.