HC Deb 29 January 1931 vol 247 cc1145-7

asked the Prime Minister whether he can now make a statement respecting the Schneider trophy?

50. Captain P. MACDONALD

asked the Prime Minister if he will state what steps were taken to ascertain the extent to which the cost of participation in the high-speed flight of the Royal Air Force in the Schneider trophy race would have been met by private and industrial interests had permission been given for Service aeroplanes and pilots of the Royal Air Force to compete?


I have received representations from a deputation of Members of this House to the effect that the money required will be raised from private sources so that no expense will fall on public funds. The Air Ministry has also had a further consultation with representatives of the trade. The Government must express regret that its attempts within the last 15 months to interest those concerned have been so little attended to that the time for preparation is now so very short, and our latest information, even this morning is that there is no certain guarantee that the funds can be raised. Although this delay must be to the disadvantage of the British entry, and although His Majesty's Government are strongly averse from perpetuating these contests between rival Government teams, they are so interested in the race that they are prepared under the circumstances once again to authorise the defence of the trophy by the Royal Air Force, and the provision of assistance as in 1929, provided that a definite undertaking is given immediately that the necessary funds will be available frim private sources.


May I ask the Prime Minister whether he means that all extra expense incurred by the Government in organising and running this race shall be borne by the Royal Aero Club?


A deputation did me the great honour of coming to see me the other day, and we discussed those points. If the Royal Aero Club is prepared to guarantee they sum that was then mentioned, then the details will be subject to negotiations between the two; but I want to emphasise that the whole thing must be done immediately, as we cannot wait another month or two.


I am anxious to make clear that the expenses normally incurred by the Air Ministry, whether the race is run or not, will not, of course, fall upon the Royal Aero Club.


I do not want to have any quibbling about this. A sum was mentioned at the interview, and that sum was to cover the expenses, which were, again, to be covered by private subscription. That is the sum we stand by.


Does the Prime Minister realise that it is very difficult to distinguish between the expenses which would be normally borne by the Air Ministry and the extra expenses of the race, and will he give an undertaking that he will look sympathetically at this question, so as to see that the sum is kept down to the lowest possible amount?


I understood that there was no dispute at all about exactly what the situation was, and I would put it in this way: That the Royal Air Force are willing to waive their great objections to the 1929 situation in view of the circumstances that exist today and of their desire to see the race run with Great Britain as an entrant; but they—I should say the Government—are not prepared to find the expenses over and above what would be normally incurred by the Air Force and by the Admiralty in the use of ships if they were not brought there specially for that purpose, and so on; in other words, so that the running of the race will not involve a public charge.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he is aware how very much we are obliged to him for his courtesy and good will in receiving us, and how I personally, and those acting with me, will do our very best to raise any money we can?


I want to ask the Prime Minister this question: Is it not correct that he stated in this House a few days ago that the Government decided 15 or 18 months ago that they were not going to compete and why was I on two occasions before the Recess—


Mr. O'Connor!