HC Deb 03 March 1930 vol 236 cc34-7

The following Question stood upon the Order Paper in the name of Mr. CHRISTIE:

70. "To ask the Minister of Health if he will state whether his attention has been called to the effects of the new order which forbids producers of certified and grade A (TT) milk from exhibiting their animals at agricultural shows; and what action he proposes to take in the matter?"


On a point of Order. I addressed this question to the Minister of Agriculture, and it would not be sense to ask it of the Minister of Health.


Questions can only be dealt with by the Minister who is responsible.


But what I want to know is what view the Minister of Agriculture holds about this Order made by the Minister of Health.


The views of Ministers are not subjects for questions at Question Time.


May I ask for your Ruling on this matter, Mr. Speaker? Here is a case where the action of one Minister may be thought to affect an industry which is in the province of another Minister. Is it not open to a Member of this House to ask questions on such a subject of either of the Ministers? If my hon. Friend feels that the industry of agriculture is to be injured, it is natural that be should look to the Minister of Agriculture to prevent it, yet the question which he puts to the Minister of Agriculture is transferred to the Minister of Health, who will answer, not in the interests of agriculture, but in the supposed interests of health.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Before you reply to that point of Order, Mr. Speaker, may I point out that if the right hon. Gentleman's contention is correct, hon. Members would be allowed to put questions to Ministers, not in order to obtain information, but with the object of exposing differences between them. May I point out to you that it has already been ruled that that may not be done.


Lest you should be misled by the hon. and gallant Member for Central Hull (Lieut.-Commander Kenworthy), may I submit to you that that is not my purpose, nor would it be the result of my question. Where one aspect of an industry which is under the charge of a particular Ministry is affected by the action of another Ministry, is not an hon. Member entitled to question the Minister on the matter?


Generally speaking, I should say that would be so, but, as regards this particular question, I should have assumed in my ignorance that the subject of the exhibition of animals at agricultural shows was one for the Minister of Agriculture.


May I ask whether, in this case, the Minister of Agriculture was consulted, and, if so, whether he agreed?


May we have a reply to this question from the Minister of Health?


The hon. Member does not want a reply.


I beg to give notice that at an early date I shall raise this question on the Motion for the Adjournment of the House.