HC Deb 15 July 1930 vol 241 cc1101-2
49. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether inquiry has been made as to the amount of the annual values as taken for purposes of rating and taxation of the properties bordering on Loch Lomond which are being offered by the Duke of Montrose to be taken over by the State; if so, what is the amount of their annual values as so taken; and what is the price at which they are being offered?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative; consideration of the second and third parts of the question does not therefore arise. I may add that the properties offered by the Duke of Montrose included, in addition to the properties bordering on Loch Lomond, other properties, comprising three farms at Fintry. In accordance with the usual practice, particulars of the properties offered were made known by the Inland Revenue Department to such public departments or bodies as were thought to be interested, but none of them desired to purchase any of the properties adjoining Loch Lomond. The properties at Fintry have been purchased by the Commissioners of Crown Lands for the sum of £17,000.


Is the bon. Gentleman able to state the price at which they were offered? Against what sum of Death Duties were the properties offered?


I do not think we ought to state the price that may have been given to the Inland Revenue.


Are we not entitled to know the price at which the property was offered—in the public interest?


It would be a matter of negotiation between the Government and the owner, and I do not think that ought to be disclosed.


Will the hon. Gentleman tell us what value was put upon this by the Inland Revenue and whether that was the price paid for it?


Captain Cazalet?