HC Deb 12 December 1929 vol 233 cc627-9

asked the Minister of Labour whether she is aware of the inconvenience caused to the unemployed of Beverley by the inadequate accommodation at the Employment Exchange, which has only one small room, with the entrance and exit through one door, with the result that large queues are formed outside in the main street, which is very narrow, and there is considerable congestion of traffic; and will she cause inquiry to be made with a view to providing alternative premises or carrying out alterations to the existing buildings, so that the work may be carried out more expeditiously and provide shelter for those compelled to have recourse to the Employment Exchange?


Inquiry has been made and certain improvements effected in the timing arrangements for applicants. If these do not prove satisfactory, other steps will be taken.

8. Mr. REMER

asked the Minister of Labour whether she is now in a position to make any statement with reference to the Macclesfield Employment Exchange?


No, Sir, I have nothing to add to my previous reply.


In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I will call attention to the matter on the Motion for the Adjournment of the House at the earliest opportunity.


asked the Minister of Labour whether she is making any arrangements with the local Employment Exchanges that for the purpose of interviews a special room or rooms should be provided where claimants can be interviewed by officers away from the observation and hearing of others, in accordance with a recommendation of the Morris Report?


It is the policy of the Ministry to provide separate interview rooms for men, women and juveniles, respectively, in all Employment Exchange premises. Such accommodation has been provided in all the new buildings, and also in the existing buildings, as far as the accommodation will permit.

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