HC Deb 14 June 1928 vol 218 cc1148-9
14. Mr. BRIANT

asked the Home Secretary if a permit has been given to Dr. Voronoff to visit this country; if so, for what period is it available; and if such permit would allow him to carry out experiments of the nature of grafting on human beings?


Dr. Voronoff was given leave to land in the United Kingdom on 22nd May, and no time limit was imposed. His object was to give certain lectures at Cambridge University and elsewhere, but no licence of any kind has been given him to experiment in this country.


Can he operate experimentally without a licence? The British public is extremely anxious to know that he shall not have the opportunity of conducting these dangerous and disgusting operations, which include the transfer of the organs of propagation from an ape to a woman.


Of course, it is quite impossible that he can conduct any experiments involving vivisection or cutting operations on any animal without a licence, and that licence I have not granted, and do not propose to grant.

Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE

Is not a human being an exception, and may he not offer himself for experiment if he likes?


Would it be possible for some other licensed person to make the operation on the animal, and leave Dr. Voronoff to make the completion of the experiment on a human being; and does not my right hon. Friend think it a violation of everything that is decent in our Constitution that this man should be allowed to conduct such experiments in this country?


My hon. Friend is really not right. No such experiments are conducted in this country at all, and the suggestion that it would be possible to have another operator who has a licence would not work, because I am most careful to inquire as to the nature of the operations conducted under a licence.