HC Deb 12 December 1927 vol 211 cc1854-5

Motion made, and Question put, That the Proceedings on the Audit (Local Authorities) Bill be exempted, at this day's Sitting, from the provisions of the Standing Order (Sittings of the House)." —[The Prime Minister.]

The House divided: Ayes, 184; Noes, 83.

Division No. 459.] AYES. [3.35 p.m.
Agg-Gardner, Rt. Hon. Sir James T. Ganzoni, Sir John Mitchell, Sir W. Lane (Streatham)
Alexander, E. E. (Leyton) Gates, Percy. Monsell, Eyres, Com. Rt. Hon. B. M.
Allen, J. Sandeman (L'pool, W. Derby) Gilmour, Lt.-Col. Rt. Hon. Sir John Moore, Lieut.-Colonel T. C. R. (Ayr)
Ashley, Lt.-Col. Rt. Hon. Wilfrid W. Goff, Sir Park Moreing, Captain A. H.
Atholl, Duchess of Grace, John Murchison, Sir Kenneth
Atkinson, C. Grant, Sir J. A. Nelson, Sir Frank
Baldwin, Rt. Hon. Stanley Grattan-Doyle, Sir N. Nicholson, O. (Westminster)
Balniel, Lord Grotrian, H. Brent Nicholson, Col. Rt. Hn. W. G.(Ptrsf'ld.)
Barclay-Harvey, C. M. Guinness, Rt. Hon. Walter E. Nield, Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert
Beckett, Sir Gervase (Leeds, N.) Gunston, Captain D. W. Ormsby-Gore, Rt. Hon. William
Bellairs, Commander Carlyon W. Hacking, Douglas H. Penny, Frederick George
Benn, Sir A. S. (Plymouth, Drake) Hall, Lieut.-Col. Sir F. (Dulwich) Peto, G. (Somerset, Frome)
Bentinck, Lord Henry Cavendish- Hall, Capt. W. D'A. (Brecon & Rad.) Pownall, Sir Assheton
Berry, Sir George Hanbury, C Preston, William
Betterton, Henry B. Hannon, Patrick Joseph Henry Rawson, Sir Cooper
Birchall, Major J. Dearman Harrison, G. J. C. Remnant, Sir James
Bird, Sir R. B. (Wolverhampton, W.) Harvey, G. (Lambeth, Kennington) Rhys, Hon. C. A. U.
Boothby, R. J. G. Hawke, John Anthony Rice, Sir Frederick
Bourne, Captain Robert Croft Headlam, Lieut.-Colonel C. M. Richardson Sir P. W.(Sur'y, Ch'ts'y)
Bowater, Colonel Sir T. Vansittart Henderson, Lt.-Col. Sir V. L. (Bootle) Ruggles-Brise, Lieut.-Colonel E. A.
Bowyer, Capt. G. E. W. Henn, Sir Sydney H. Russell, Alexander West (Tynemouth)
Brassey, Sir Leonard Hilton, Cecil Rye, F. G.
Bridgeman, Rt. Hon. William Clive Hoare, Lt.-Col. Rt. Hon. Sir S. J. G. Samuel, A. M. (Surrey, Farnham)
Briscoe, Richard George Hogg, Rt. Hon. Sir D. (St. Marylebone) Sandeman, N. Stewart
Brittain, Sir Harry Hopkins, J. W. W. Sandon, Lord
Brocklebank, C. E. R. Hopkinson, Sir A. (Eng. Universities) Sassoon, Sir Philip Albert Gustave D.
Brooke, Brigadier-General C. R. I. Hopkinson, A. (Lancaster, Mossley) Savery, S. S
Brown, Col. D. C. (N'th'l'd., Hexham) Howard-Bury, Lieut.-Colonel C. K. Shaw, Lt.-Col. A.D. Mcl.(Renfrew, W.)
Brown, Brig.-Gen. H. C.(Berks, Newb'y) Hudson. Capt. A. U. M. (Hackney, N.) Sheffield, Sir Berkeley
Buchan, John Hudson, R. S. (Cumberl'nd, Whiteh'n) Simms, Dr. John M. (Co. Down)
Burman, J. B. Huntingfield, Lord Sinclair, Col. T.(Queen's Univ., Belf'st.)
Burton, Colonel H. W. Hurd, Percy A. Smith. R. W. (Aberd'n & Kinc'dine, C)
Campbell, E. T. Hurst, Gerald B. Somerville, A. A. (Windsor)
Cayzer, Maj. Sir Herbt. R. (Prtsmth. C.) Iliffe, Sir Edward M. Spender-Clay, Colonel H.
Cecil, Rt. Hon. Sir Evelyn (Aston) Iveagh, Countess of Sprot. Sir Alexander
Chadwick, Sir Robert Burton Jackson, Sir H. (Wandsworth, Cen'l) Stanley, Lieut.-Colonel Rt. Hon. G. F.
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. N. (Ladywood) James, Lieut.-Colonel Hon. Cuthbert Storry-Deans, R.
Charteris, Brigadier-General J. Joynson-Hicks, Rt. Hon. Sir William Stott, Lieut.-Colonel W. H.
Churchman, Sir Arthur C. Kennedy, A. R. (Preston) Streatfeild, Captain S. R.
Clayton, G. C. Kindersley, Major Guy M. Sueter, Rear-Admiral Murray Fraser
Cochrane, Commander Hon. A. D. King, Commodore Henry Douglas Thomson, Rt. Hon. Sir W. Mitchell-
Cohen, Major J. Brunei Kinloch-Cooke, Sir Clement Tinne, J. A.
Conway, Sir W. Martin Knox, Sir Alfred Titchfield, Major the Marquess of
Cooper, A. Duff Lamb, J. Q. Tryon, Rt. Hon. George Clement
Cope, Major William Lane Fox, Col. Rt. Hon. George R. Turton, Sir Edmund Russborough
Croft, Brigadier-General Sir H. Lister, Cunliffe, Rt. Hon. Sir Philip Vaughan-Morgan, Col. K. P.
Crookshank, Col. C. de W. (Berwick) Locker-Lampson, G. (Wood Green) Wallace, Captain D. E.
Crookshank, Cpt. H.(Lindsey, Gainsbro) Loder, J. de V. Ward, Lt.-Col. A. L. (Kingston-on-Hull)
Cunliffe, Sir Herbert Long, Major Eric Wayland, Sir William A.
Curzon. Captain Viscount Looker, Herbert William White, Lieut.-Col. Sir G. Dairymple
Dalkeith, Earl of Lucas-Tooth, Sir Hugh Vere Williams, Herbert G. (Reading)
Davies, Dr. Vernon Luce, Maj.-Gen. Sir Richard Harman Wilson, R. R. (Stafford, Lichfield)
Davison, Sir W. H (Kensington, S.) Macintyre, I. Winby, Colonel L. P.
Drewe, C. Macnaghten, Hon. Sir Malcolm Windsor-Clive, Lieut.-Colonel George
Ellis, R. G. Macquisten, F. A. Winterton. Rt. Hon. Earl
Erskine, James Malcolm Monteith Maitland, Sir Arthur D. Steel- Wolmer, Viscount
Evans, Captain A. (Cardiff, South) Makins, Brigadier-General E. Wood, Sir Kingsley (Woolwich W.)
Fairfax, Captain J. G. Malone, Major P. B. Yerburgh, Major Robert D. T.
Falle, Sir Bertram G. Margesson, Captain D.
Fermoy, Lord Marriott, Sir J. A. R. TELLERS FOR THE AYES.—
Foxcroft, Captain C. T. Milne, J.S. Wardlaw. Colonel Gibbs and Major Sir George
Fremantle, Lieut.-Colonel Francis E. Mitchell, W. Foot (Saffron Walden) Hennessy.
Adamson, Rt. Hon. W. (Fife, West) Dalton, Hugh Hirst, G. H.
Alexander, A. V. (Sheffield, Hillsbro') Day, Colonel Harry Hore-Belisha, Leslie
Baker, J. (Wolverhampton, Bilston) Dennison, R. Hudson, J. H. (Huddersfield)
Baker, Walter Edwards, C. (Monmouth, Bedwellty) Hutchison, Sir Robert (Montrose)
Barnes, A. Gillett, George M. Kenworthy, Lt.-Com. Hon. Joseph M.
Batey, Joseph Gosling, Harry Lansbury, George
Bondfield, Margaret Graham, Rt. Hon. Wm. (Edin., Cent.) Lawrence, Susan
Bowerman, Rt. Hon. Charles W. Greenall, T. Livingstone, A. M.
Brown, James (Ayr and Bute) Greenwood, A. (Nelson and Colne) Lowth, T.
Buxton, Rt. Hon. Noel Griffiths, T. (Monmouth. Pontypoo) Lunn, William
Charleton, H. C. Grundy, T. W. MacDonald, Rt. Hon. J. R.(Aberavon)
Cluse, W. S. Hall, F. (York., W.R., Normanton) Mackinder, W.
Clynes, Rt. Hon. John R. Hall, G. H. (Merthyr Tydvil) MacLaren, Andrew
Compton, Joseph Hamilton, Sir R. (Orkney & Shetland) Maclean, Nell (Glasgow, Govan)
Cove, W. G. Hardie, George D. MacNeill-Weir, L.
Crawfurd, H. E. Harris, Percy A. March, S.
Montague, Frederick Shaw, Rt. Hon. Thomas (Preston) Wedgwood, Rt. Hon. Josiah
Morrison, R. C. (Tottenham, N.) Short, Alfred (Wednesbury) Wellock, Wilfred
Naylor, T. E. Sinclair, Major Sir A. (Caithness) Westwood, J.
Oliver, George Harold Sitch, Charles H. Williams, David (Swansea, East)
Owen, Major G. Smith, H. B. Lees (Keighley) Williams, Dr. J. H. (Llanelly)
Paling, W. Smith, Ronnie (Penistone) Williams, T. (York, Don Valley)
Pethick-Lawrence, F. W. Snell, Harry Wilson, C. H. (Sheffield, Attercliffe)
Ponsonby, Arthur Sutton, J. E. Windsor, Walter
Potts, John S. Thorne, G. R. (Wolverhampton, E.) Wright, W.
Robinson, W. C. (Yorks, W. R., Elland) Thurtle, Ernest
Runciman, Rt. Hon. Walter Townend, A. E. TELLERS FOR THE NOES.—
Scrymgeour, E. Trevelyan, Rt. Hon. C. P. Mr. Allen Parkinson and Mr.
Scurr, John Viant, S. P. Whiteley.